
Strategic Planning | Fundraising | Email & Web Copy | Social Media Strategy & Implementation | Online Recruitment | Trainings


I've been designing and implementing successful online fundraising strategies and campaigns and writing effective fundraising emails and web copy for well over a decade now. I have helped organizations including Oxfam America, the Clinton Foundation, the Save Darfur Coalition, the U.N. Foundation, and many others raise many millions of dollars online.

There is nothing better than hitting the refresh button on the report for a successful fundraising campaign and watching the dollars roll in to provide emergency relief for a hurricane or to stop genocide or to protect our last temperate rainforest or to protect honey bees. IT IS SUCH A GREAT FEELING!

I'm happy to help identify the best topics for fundraising, draft epically effective fundraising email and campaign copy, come up with a plan to recruit and retain more monthly donors, figure out how to maximize passive online giving, develop fundraising projections for your online program, and more.

You can find some examples of fundraising email and web copy here.